Please help - EMERGENCY. RTR members ... I have a boarder collie with a slipped disk (we think). He is at the emergency vet right now. He is paralyzed in one back leg, can almost move the other, but is in severe pain. I know that there is a horse chiropractor in the area. Her name is Heather. I don't know her last name and I don't have a phone number. There might be others. I am desperate to find someone to help me manipulate him, if I can get my local vet to agree to drugs. Otherwise, I have been told that it is an $8,000 surgery, which I cannot swing. Oh how I rue the day that I bought horse insurance and not dog insurance. Please give me phone numbers. I realize that the chiropractor may not be able to fix this, but I also know that I have no other options. I am thinking if I can get this disk back into place, I can make him a brace so he doesn't wiggle his hips... and keep him calm for a couple of months.