Anonymous post no. 14309
I'm looking for advice on my teenage boy struggling with year 9 at school.
what is the best way to get a tutor for him and does anyone have recommendations?
he will never be a brain surgeon and has already got his mind set on some sort of apprenticeship, so we are not looking for straight A's... but he still struggles with general english, math, science, history etc so i want to help him bring up his grades (and confidence) in these classes.
he struggles with reading - which in turn makes him struggle to understand what is being asked of him in other classes. (if i read questions and explain it to him in the terms he should understand he does show more interest and knowledge)
im after someone who can sit with him once (or twice depending on cost) a week that he can talk to about the work he is doing and his homework and they can talk with him about it and point him in the right direction on how to "do his own assignments" maybe proof read, make suggestions etc (like a teacher would do?)
im not sure what a tutor would normally do? could it be one on one or small group ? do i drop him somewhere for a couple of hours or do we get an in home tutor???
any help or information or recommendations would be greatly appreciated. (we live in Pacific Pines area so Northern Gold Coast area would be best)