Looking to put my 4 year old son in to preschool. Iv done alot of calling around. And cant decide.
Looking for suggestions on the best places between Bremerton port orchard or maybe even gig harber..
His dad lives in bremerton and im in port orchard. So these would be the better places but willing to look as far as gig harber for a good school for him. Would be nice for an all day witch i know is only threw a day care. But its so much more expensive. But the day cares with pre school help alot with both our work schedules.
Suggestions on day cares that do preschool and just pre schools would be great. If you have price ranges for them thats more then help full as well. Beats trying to call 20 diffrent places . Even thought im sure i will have to any ways. Lol
Thanks in advance for all your help