Hey could anyone suggest a good place to buy some interior / exterior accesories ?
I used to go to Jeep gemini in Burnaby but the couple recently closed up for retirement.. any suggestions would help a lot.
Where to get my box spray lined in the lower mainland, any reccomendations? what short a short box gmc cost to have a nice job done?
Gerry M. replied:
Call me at 6045843722 on Monday $479 for a short box under rail spray in liner
Gerry M. replied:
Simon Peter if you live in Langley then take it to HiLite truck or Mike at BC Upfitters. If you go anywhere else you going to pay more Showcase by the way took dudes truck to either HiLite or BC upfitters and marked it up more so there ya go. Armourguard, linex, or rhino are all kick ass and will last forever. BC upfitters is like 499 Kingdom Truck Accessories is 479 splashes is like 499 and I don't know what kind of deal Jordan Herwig can give ya man but avoid all cap it stores you'll pay out your ass