looking for dog daycare/sitting I currently live in Auburn but I'll be moving back to Huntsville within a year. My dog goes to daycare here about twice a week and has the time of his life every time he goes. I'm looking into doggie daycares in Huntsville (generally closer to Madison, hopefully), and I was wondering if y'all had any experience with any.
Paradise Pet looks beautiful but they said it was $25/day!! I'm paying $8/day here in Auburn and I could get it for even cheaper if I were able to buy more days at once, but I'm just a college kid.
Anybody know any good, cheap doggie daycares in the Huntsville/Madison area?
jahshua06 replied:
My Fiance and I do Pet sitting in our home. We're part of a larger group called The Petz Carlton. We have three locations: one in north Madison, one in south Madison, and one in Decatur. We're expanding into to Huntsville with a new host in South Huntsville very soon. We do overnight sitting and our specific location does daycare for small to medium size dogs on Thursdays. Currently the prices are $25/night. If you'd like to know more information please check out our [Facebook](https://www.facebook.com/petzcarlton) page and if you'd like to fill out our survey and setup a Meet & Greet, please go to our [Website](http://petzcarltonpack.com).