Best place to get a men's haircut in New Milford??
Amanda C. replied:
It’s not a barber but Nicole Spaziani a t Sharoan's Hair Studio does men’s haircuts and she does a phenomenal job !
Looking for a list of LOCAL businesses that are not only good but also show support for the NM community. Doesn't matter what kind of business if you have one that's highly recommended please post it, I would love to start spending my money as local as possible.
Thank you in advance.
Allison E. replied:
https://www.facebook. com/171591349533296 8 Ruby Bridal Boutique The green granary Petrela Nails & Spa LLC Sharoan's Hair StudSharoan's Hair Studio
Sharoan W. replied: Sharoan's Hair Studio
Hello everyone!! I was just wondering if anyone has a suggestion for a hair salon, that does a good job but doesn't cost too much, not too sure if every place is basically the same price or not nowadays but thought I'd ask around anyway. Thank you!!
I'm looking for recommendations for wedding need to find a place to have my hair done. I'm new and don't know many places in New Milford. Any suggestions?