I have a Chihuahua weiner dog mix that I've had for 3 years when I got him he had spine problems well yesterday he was just fine everything was good he was playing did everything that he normally would do but at 11 last night when I looked over in his bed he was kind of stiff and his eyes were rolling in the back of his head he's really weak he's puked a bunch and right as he gets to sleep he wakes himself up doing this thing that looks like a seizure and he has no control over it lasts for about 5 to 6 seconds it's happened at least 25 times from 11 last night to now I have two other dogs in the home and they are perfectly fine there was nothing wrong with moon which is the dog I'm talking about he was normal did everything they hear would do every day I've had him for the last three years I have never seen anything like what he's going through the whole time I have had him and I have had him for 3 years now. so does anyone have any ideas on a vet in the Grays Harbor area that will work with somebody that has low income and doesn't have money to pay up front but they I can do payments on a payment plan with them