My family has something of an emergency and I’m wondering if anyone can help, or recommend someone who can. My godmother has been in the hospital and rehab for over 5 months. She is supposed to finally come home to my parents’ house in Cottrellville. In order to do so, they have to have a 40’ ramp built. They have paid someone up front to build the ramp and a garage and after 3+ months, he has done zero work, but has over $30,000 of my parents’ money. He promises he’ll be out but never shows. At this point, she is to be released on Saturday and there is no ramp built. Is there anyone locally who would be able to help build a ramp before then? I know it’s short notice, and almost Christmas, but it would be the absolute best Christmas miracle for us to get this ramp done to bring my godmother home for Christmas.