Hello, For as long as I can remember, I have always had a camera in my hands. Whether it was a camera my parents purchased for me or a camera belonging to a relative, I loved capturing whatever moment I was in. Photography was always a hobby of mine and I used it in my career. Coming from a higher education background, a former position led me down the public relations avenue, and I began to take photos for the institution and writing press releases. Fast forward, I decided to leave the position to finish my PhD. During that time I became one with my camera. Frequently visiting nature trails, capturing cityscapes, reading photography books in my spare time from writing, and even completing many photography courses during the times I would wait for feedback from my committee.
As my camera and I became one, my husband encouraged me to fully pursue my passion of capturing the most special moments of your life in the most meaningfully memorable way. Love and a passion led me here, and I hope it led you here too. Wishing you all the happiness you can receive, Amber