Looking for information about a lodge Hello, my name is Philip. I'm looking for information about the lodge my Grandfather John Klemann attended. He died in January of this year, and I am about to join a lodge but I would like to have some info first. My Grandfather lived in Richmond Indiana and attended Webb Massonic Lodge #24 from what my mother found written down on paper.
I understand that I am not allowed to know everything at this time but any information would be appreciated.
erbaker replied:
Can you drop by the lodge? See when the stated meeting is, and show up an hour early for potluck. If your grandpa was active, introduce yourself as his grandkid and just get to the know the guys in the lodge. I think that would mean a lot to them, and they might show you around a little bit. Edit: Their website - http://www.webblodge24.com/
Glorified_Scrivener replied:
It looks like Webb Masonic Lodge #24 is still active in Richmond, so their Secretary and members should be able to give you more information about the history of that lodge in particular. Their website is at http://www.webblodge24.com/
ChuckEye replied:
http://www.webblodge24.com/ They've got a contact link. You might want to make sure they know that he has passed on, and while you're at it, feel free to talk to the secretary, or whomever answers your call or email.