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All computer issues solved!

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30% discount off my hourly charge, which is 150 NIS (100 NIS with the discount).

About us

All computer issues solved! A Microsoft Certified Help Desk technician is ready to help you with any of your computer needs. With over 6 years of professional experience, I\'ve seen it all and solved all. Imagine having your own personal \"Computer Guy\" to call on at any time.
Get the good old American service where the customer is always right!
I can help you with any of the following:
- Software installation.
- Virus removal.
- Hardware upgrades and replacement.
- Computer purchase consulting.
- Help you find the best prices on the best hardware and software in Israel.
- Resolve any Internet and Network related issues.
- Help build a home based network for your family or business needs.
- Resolve any printer, scanner, or other computer peripheral issues.
- Windows and MAC savvy!
- Laptops or Desktops!

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  • Computer/IT Consultantx

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