Looking for a really strong, intense massage and cant seem to find it. My old masseuse was amazing, and since she left, I can't seem to find a quality one anywhere in town. I play sports and I benefited wonderfully from her mixture of deep tissue and trigger point work. It was the kind of massage where you get someones whole knuckle dug into a problem spot.
Unfortunately, I've been to 5 people since her, all claiming to do "deep tissue" or "sports" massages, and they have all lacked knowledge, or been very intense (a little more intense than a relaxation massage)
Any place or person I can go to that any of you guys know that does intense massages like this? Preferably well educated in massage therapy and trigger point therapy who can communicate about what is being done and knows how they are affecting the body.
ERDIT: Thanks for the help guys! Ill call a few places today!