Anyone recommend a good realtor for the Rosedale neighborhood? Hey r/Austin, I've got a small 1br condo/apartment in Rosedale I'm looking to sell, right by Seton and the Draft House pub and Icehouse restaurant. Does anyone recommend a good realtor that knows this area? Also, is there anything I should know about the real estate situation right now when I work with them? I heard someone at work saying you should negotiate the realtor fee in times like these? Not sure what that means, don't have much experience with real estate.
And this is just random, but I'm looking to move to Oregon or California - think it's worth it to put up a CL or reddit ad asking if anyone would want to house swap?
crackercortex replied:
Realtor fees are normally easily negotiable if the sale is made contingent of a purchase (of another home/condo). We've closed on home and condos in the Rosedale neighborhood and would love to work with a fellow redditor.