Our makerspace is looking for a new warehouse, can anyone recommend a realtor? We've been trying to find a small (under 3,000 sqft) industrial space inside the loop for a couple years now. Services like loopnet and comgate don't really list little stuff and all the commercial realtors we've contacted are looking for bigger fish. Does anyone have a recommendation?
We (Rust House) are a little makerspace founded by UH art and architecture students. The warehouse we're at now is much better than the garage we started in but we're out of room to grow and incredibly cold.
0000000000_ replied:
Sorry I don't have a better reply for you, but I have a client of mine with about 5,500 sf on 610 south that he is looking to turn the lease over on in the next month. He' moving to a larger space and just won't need the room. His current rent is something less than 3,900$/mo if that range fits your budget. One other shot in the dark is to call Justin Patchen at Urban Meridian 713.869.4815, tell him Charlie Scroggins said to call, and he might be able to help. No guarantees, but if he can help you, he will. Good luck!