Vet recommendation for a puppy? So I checked a different [post]( from a year ago that had several different recommendations. Since I'm relatively new to Madison, I figured I'd ask again just in case anyone's opinion had changed.
I'll be getting my **own** first dog: a fluffy, baby Berner! I'm really excited to pick her up at the end of the month, but I just want to make sure that she goes to a great vet.
mwisconsin replied:
Can I ask from where you're getting your puppy? We went out last weekend and looked at Animart (decent facility, but wow, are they pricey) and the Humane Society (no puppies). We're looking around at a few rescues online, but haven't had any luck, yet. For a vet, I would suggest the [Westside Pet Cliinic]( (just past west side Woodman's). They helped our last dog through her end of life period with great dignity and sweetness. We'd been with them for 7 years. Plus, they share a parking lot (and dogs) with the Ruffin' It Resort, which is a great place for boarding.