We're the fastest growing city in the country and cafes can barely keep up with the amount of flat whites they need to make. We're in the middle of a housing crisis and we can't decide where to eat and get a pint. This is madness and this has got to stop.
There are plenty of Auckland guides around but are any of them having fun with it? In our very professional opinion we don't reckon they are. So we'll show 'em how it's done.
This site's for the aimless, the artisans, the epicureans and the vagrants stalking our streets.
Good tattoo parlor recommendations? Looking to get my first tattoo. Preferably in the CBD. Any recommendations please? Muchos gracias.
izak1399 replied:
In the CBD? Just off K Road is Sunset Tattoo. [I interviewed the owner](http://vagrants.nz/tom-mcmillian-chats-tattoos-inspiration-magic-powers-sleeve/), Tom McMillian, awesome guy!