Looking for a Dentist! I need quite a bit of dental work done, which will take some time. I had an evaluation taken on the work needed last December at Aspen Dental, but I was uncomfortable with the Dentist as well as the facility they had.
I am now looking for an alternative, a good dentist first-most. But the facility needs to be decent too, relaxing. I just didn't feel comfortable at Aspen Dental, they just threw me in a joined room with make-shift walls between patients with buzzing/whirling of instruments while they worked on everyones teeth... on top of that I was waiting for 2 hours in the chair while the dentist "would be right with me".
Please help me find a good dentist in this town. Thank you!
highspire replied:
Ive been happy with Dr Jim at Marusich and Conti Dental in Johnson city. Younger guy. They have evening hours and actual rooms nothing like your describing at aspen. http://www.marcondental.com/template.asp