Can any married people in Atlanta recommend a good wedding DJ? Looking for recommendations of DJs that did a great job at you or a friend's wedding! Finding it hard to know if a DJ is good from their website-- seems like experiencing one who can keep a party dancing is a better indicator?
atlantastic replied:
DJ Dre! He is an insanely nice person and did our wedding for a great price. I couldn't recommend him any more highly!
Looking for great wedding DJ suggestions One of my only responsibilities so far is figuring out the DJ option. Music selection will be mainly pop hits for the last decade. Need someone that can feel the room and know when to hit the next song. Thoughts? Thanks for all the help!
reeln166a replied:
This dude did our wedding a couple of weeks ago. He is absolutely top notch. Extremely knowledgable and the consummate professional. Also, he has a great interface on his website that lets you customize everything you want to for your playlists. He is wildly popular so you may want to contact sooner than later.