Therapist Recommendations, specifically for someone who has never been to one or probably wont go My friend has been showing signs of depression, and it's starting to take over her life. I want to help her before it gets worse and get her talking to a therapist to work through some things.
She lives in Astoria, so Manhattan (closer to midtown the better), Queens, and northern Brooklyn are all on the table. She can't afford a ton, but I am not sure how payments/insurance works for these things.
Can anyone recommend me a quality therapist, specifically one for a first timer who is very hesitant about going? Also, if anyone has any tips to convince a headstrong person that they need help and that its okay to see a professional?
hiltonking replied:
Try [Albert Ellis]( If she won't go, there are some books you can get for her that can help, and or get her to go. Good luck.