Looking for a trustworthy accountant in OC to help with small business taxes! Hello! I am involved in my first business venture, a general partnership. Taxes are a very confusing realm for me, so any recommendations on a trustworthy accountant would be welcome. We are trying to steer clear of the big guys (H&R Block, etc.) as they tend to not care as much about the client and are often $$$. Thank you for the help!
**edit** thank you for all the suggestions! I am consulting with my business partner and will definitely be checking out all your suggestions.
its-not-that-bad replied:
I would recommend: http://www.skmcpa.net/ I worked with him and he's a real stand-up, knowledgable no-BS guy. Ex-Marine helicopter pilot and just overall genius accounting nerd. And super friendly. Right in Irvine / Tustin area. Better for more business type accounting which is why I don't use him anymore (but I think your personal is always thrown in free if you use them for business).