A referral only child care agency created by Broadway actresses and employed exclusively by artists. USE CODE LAUNCHSIGNUP to join our family! www.broadwaybabysitters.com
In-home daycare or nanny share recommendations? Hi! In September my wife and I will be looking for childcare for our daughter, who will be 9 months old. Can anyone recommend in-home daycare or a nanny share in Astoria that is flexible and affordable?
fizzak replied:
Try getting in touch with [Broadway Babysitters](http://www.broadwaybabysitters.com/). They have a lot of people based in Astoria, are flexible with schedule, and you may be able to arrange to have them handle multiple kids at once if you want to setup a share with another family to save money. Most/all of the babysitters are performers of some kind, so bonus: your kid usually gets a little music/singing/dancing lesson every day too. They've been helping care for our daughter since she was 12 mo (now 16 mo) and have been great. PM me if you have other questions...