Which dentist(s) would you recommend or not recommend? I'm looking for a dentist in the area, preferably accessible by blue-line Metrolink somewhere between Clayton and Grand. Which dentists have you had good experiences with? Any dentists to avoid in particular?
I just read this [reddit thread about dentist red flags](http://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/2hq55i/dentists_of_reddit_what_are_some_red_flags_people/) and remembered I haven't seen a dentist in a while o.O
wuuza replied:
[Dr. Telthorst](http://www.lakeforestdental.net/) is a pretty easy walk from the Galleria stop. You could probably walk from downtown Clayton, too, if that's where you are. Nice guy, nice hygienists. Never had a problem.
Good dentist in South City area? Preferably near Dogtown Anybody know of one? I'd prefer my teeth not all fall out. And despite the fact that the sucky tube is my least favorite thing in the world, I'm willing to go to the dentist.
So anybody got any good suggestions? I knew there were a few questions posted like this before but I wasn't sure if the answers were out of date or any new hotshot dentists had emerged since then.
Thanks fellow Citoyens
wuuza replied:
I like [Dr. Telthorst](http://www.lakeforestdental.net/). It's not the City but it's just west of Hanley on Clayton, so not very far from Dogtown.