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Cabarete Chiropractic - Dr. Stephen Simonetti

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  • Plaza Casa Laguna, 5
    Cabarete, Puerto Plata 57000 (map)

About us

About Dr. Stephen Simonetti
Dr. Simonetti graduated from Life Chiropractic College in June, 1983. He has maintained a private practice in Whitestone, New York since August, 1983. For most of his professional life Dr. Simonetti managed to balance his family time and a busy chiropractic practice while becoming a widely-recognized political leader of his profession.
Dr. Stephen Simonetti is a founding member of the New York Chiropractic Council and has served in every capacity in the organization including his term as President (2003-2005). Perhaps, Dr. Simonetti is best known for his years as the Chairperson (1991-1997, 2009) of Project HOPE (Help Other People Eat). Project HOPE fed thousands of hungry New Yorkers. Dr. Simonetti was honored with the Beacon Award, Chiropractor of the Year in 1995-1996. In 2010 the New York Chiropractic Council bestowed Dr. Simonetti with the prestigious Lifetime Membership Award. From 1994 through 2008 Dr. Simonetti was active in National politics holding elected positions in the Congress of Chiropractic State Associations (COCSA). As Vice President and during his term as President of COCSA from 2004-2006 Dr. Simonetti affected the direction of chiropractic internationally through his involvement with the World Federation of Chiropractic. Most recently, in April 2013, Dr. Simonetti was appointed as the third chiropractic NGO representative to the United Nations. He also presently holds the position of Vice President of Mission Life International (MLI). MLI is a non-profit company dedicated to helping the less fortunate with chiropractic care while providing basic hygiene/educational needs. MLI also supports its chiropractic orphanage in Ounaminthe, Haiti.
In March 2013 Dr. Simonetti expanded his vision to help the underserved in the world by opening a chiropractic practice in Cabarete, Dominican Republic. He is also active once again in the political realm of chiropractic as he takes another leadership role to form the Dominican... show more
Republic Chiropractic National Association. As with his activities in the profession in the United States Dr. Simonettis desire is to insure that the people of the DR have access to the life enhancing benefits of chiropractic care. It is with great humility and gratitude that Dr. Simonetti acknowledges his opportunities to help humanity through this great gift called chiropractic!

About Dr. John Lancaster
Dr. John Lancaster is a US certified and licensed chiropractor who graduated at the top of his class from Life University in Marietta GA. Outside of his formal chiropractic education, Dr. Lancaster studied and trained in several advanced structural correction techniques as well as techniques for working with special populations such as pediatrics and pregnant women. He is bilingual in English and Spanish and enjoys practicing and living in Cabarete, where you can find him surfing, kiteboarding and learning to salsa dance when he is not in the office.

If you are interested in scheduling an appointment, or have questions regarding how corrective chiropractic care can benefit your health and overall well being, don’t hesitate to contact us. Even if you choose to look elsewhere for a solution to your health challenges, know that you can always count on the doctors of Cabarete Chiropractic as a truly objective health and wellness resource.
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Hours of operation

Monday14:30 - 18:00
Wednesday14:30 - 18:00
Friday14:30 - 18:00
Sunday12:00 - 15:00


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  • Referral from November 23, 2017
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