At Trax Yoga, we are committed to providing quality instruction of yoga in a way that is transformative, inspiring, and creative. We offer an excellent group of like-minded instructors who supports our students’ yoga, this journey of exploration and discovery of themselves as they flow on their mats. We see this practice in both its simplicity and its holiness.
We are the studio who welcomes brand new students into our space with warmth, appreciation, and gratitude.
We are the studio who has two fireplaces burning bright during the cold months to invite you to settle into our cozy space.
We are the studio who offers to start your car for you during winter, so you may leave in a warm car fresh out of savasana.
We offer up coffee made with fancy roasted beans, and piled up high with whipped cream and sprinkles if you’d like; complimentary tea and water; and a warm haven for those who need an escape from the cold weather in winter or any other seasons when a place of quiet solitude is needed. When not in use, or studio spaces are open to our students to use for their personal practice, or just as a getaway to read, meditate, or simply be.
We are the studio dedicated to knowing each and every one of you by name. We realize we are here because of you all, our students, and we recognize and honor your supreme worth every single time you practice with us.
Hey guys! Does anyone know of any good yoga studios here in Fairbanks? I loooove Hot Yoga but if that’s not available I’m willing to try other things too