ATTENTION FAMOUS FIDO FOLLOWERS! President/Founder/Executive Director, Gloria Lissner, is in need of some help this season. Gloria has given her life to rescue dogs and cats in need. We have all seen the countless hours she's spent and the tireless dedication she has shown to save their lives. Gloria's roof on her house is breaking apart and she has tried every possible solution to attain some government assistance, but she has run out of options. Does anybody know a legit roofing contractor who negotiate terms? Also, her fence has blown over during the storm last night. She needs the fence because she has numerous personal dogs and takes a certain number of rescues home every night. This is not a plea for pro bono work, but just for someone who is willing to negotiate. Winter is upon us and a sturdy roof is a necessity. Gloria puts the animals before herself and it shows in the work that she does. Please help us, help her. Please contact Gloria at 773-907-0305 for suggestions.