Brianne Raimer, CPA and Sarah Klemme strive to work with individuals and small businesses on a personal level to take the anxiety and mystery out of tax preparation.
Hi neighbors, I am new in town and looking for a tax professional who is a genius about weird small businesses and also weird family situations (e.g. we co-own a house but can't file as married). Any reccomendations?
Kevin S. replied:
I also recommend Atwood Tax!
Heather W. replied:
Atwood Tax. We’ve been going to them since before they were their own business. They’ve helped through forming LLCs, filing separate and married, and everything in between
Ben A. replied:
Brianne at Atwood Tax.
Meagan P. replied:
Another vote for Atwood Tax! We're new clients after getting recommended to them by a friend. So great!
Renée G. replied:
And I would say I love sarah at atwood tax.
Becki K. replied:
I'm going to third Atwood Tax!
Sunny M. replied:
Atwood Tax all the way! Those ladies have saved our butts more than once.
Jocelyn Q. replied:
Atwood Tax for sure.
Jonathan G. replied:
Atwood Tax. Breianna is great. She's done my small business taxes for five years.