ISO: Honeymoon, DJ, Bakery!!! (Not sure if I'm allowed to post multiple questions in one post? Please let me know & I'll fix this if not!)
I'd love to hear from brides who highly recommend their vendors. Our wedding is October 27th, 2017 & will take place in Bel Air MD.
Honeymoon: We want to plan an all inclusive honeymoon somewhere relaxing (ex: not Jamaica) with soft sand and clear water. Is this possible with a $2000 budget... if it's not we would be okay to spend more & spend less for wedding things.
DJ: Looking for someone who lets me pick a majority of the song as I have actually been planning our playlist for over a year now! Someone who includes tasteful lighting as well. I'm not sure what is a reasonable budget for DJ but $2,000 would be max!!
Bakery: We have guests with very strict food allergies to nuts & one gluten allergy. We want to do a donut bar or a donut "cake" with mini pies & a one tier wedding cake so that we have something to cut into. I'm also not sure what a realistic budget would be for this but hoping to stay around $1000 if possible.