Personal training and working out is not just for the selected few i.e. your body builders, athletes etc. but for everyone! We all need to exercise and not just the younger generations, I mean everyone. Science can prove this, if we are going to live a longer, happier life, exercise is key. Whilst being at University I have had the pleasure of working with many different types of people, whether they be younger, older, disabled or have a long term medical condition. I have been able to help a variety of people meet their personal challenges and goals. This has given me the ability and experience to train a large variety of different clients with different needs and goals, which I can proudly say were all reached.
My goal is to improve the health and achieve the targets of all living within North Devon. What's your Goal??
Wanted - Personal Trainer
£1,234 - South Molton
Recommendations for personal trainers please. I would like to get back in shape. Either that or a concave mirror, cheers.