Like most people (I hope), I want to be able to imagine a future where I finally have enough assets that I don't have to work forever. I heard good things about Vanguard, so I had almost all my money parked there, for over two years. Rather than the beginning of the long upward slope towards real wealth I imagined, I actually LOST money. I sent messages to them asking what I could do about it, they couldn't tell me anything I understood, so I took all my money back out of Vanguard.
I have an accountant I like very much. He does my taxes for me, answers my dumb questions about my mortgage and my car loan and so on. I've worked with him for over ten years, and I trust him a lot. Alas, he's not interested in taking more of my money to manage my portfolio. But I would really like to find a guy like that, for investments.
Does anybody have any ideas about this? Somebody local, like my accountant, I could go to for this? Where is everybody else parking their money these days?