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For the love of Dogs Grooming

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  • 1950 Church Ave
    Moore, OK 73045 (map)

About us

Hi,. I am Valerie Chastain. I have been Grooming dogs for over 10 years. I was trained in Edmond under a watchful eye of a well known and respected Vetrinarian of many years Ron Laughlin and by vetran groomer of over 30 years Laveda Hall who has bread and showed dogs also. Learning this way gave me the advantage by being able to know from a Vetrinarians stand point what a dog needs health wise in a groom, I always put a dog's health first and am able to recognize signs of trouble physically and behaviorly from my training. My teacher taught me the right way to groom, not just rush jobs cutting corners but how to perserve the saftey of the dog and myself. She taught me the show quailty groom specifics. Before becoming a groomer I was a hairstylist since 1994, which has helped me tremendously with dog grooming. Sissor cutting came much easier to me than most because of this experience. I have been priveleged to build up multiple wonderful groom shops from the ground up into thriving successful business in my 10 years. I enjoy the challenge of building a grooming business I also have been lucky to have some business experience that has helped that. I love getting to know my clients and their owners and building a strong mutual trust and friendship with them. While in Edmond I was honored to be a regular weekly columnist on the ask the experts column in the edmond sun where I answered grooming related questions. I was also spot lighted on the local news reports aboout the upcoming trends and special pampering of my clients in edmond which included some local celeberties dogs. I thouroughly enjoyed my experiences in Edmond. However that being said I am a mother of 2 young boys who always come first and felt I needed to be closer to home which is in choctaw. So I came to work at Smelly Dogs grooming. Formerly ran by Kobi Abbott. I have been running the business now for over 2 years and absoutly love the relaxed layed back country enviroment. I could not ask... show more for better people as customers! I grew up around a farm and a ranch working with animals. Working in small town comes natural for me. I really believe in supporting eachother and our schools and community The time in Harrah has flown by but at the same time my relationships with my furry friends and their owners feel like they are life long. This page was created to encourage long healthy relationships with dogs. Dogs are pack animals they create long term loyal bonds. When getting a dog we should accept it like adopting a child you are responsible for that dog for the length of its life. If you are not willing to find a place suitable for both of you for the length of a dogs life dont get one please. Dont give dogs a suprise gifts dogs need to be well thought out decision and COMMENTMENT. Please Educate yourself on breeds and their traits (how much excersise what was it bread to do, temperment) best enviroments for them and maitenance (excersice, diet, health issues, vetrinary fees and coat needs how often to brush comb groomed) Every dog needs training. So do you! This makes the diffrence between a Good dog and a Bad dog. Its not just about what you want the dog to do you have to learn how to communicate with your dog and how to read their communications to you we are a major down fall in trainning not just dogs! I want to help you get through those frustrating moments of training,life adjustments and crazy moments in sharing your life with a 4 legged family member. Its not all education there is funny cut and amusing things as well please feel free to contact me any time. Please though this is a friendly forum keep that in mind. Im not an expert I will make mistakes but Im trying to help share knowledge I have gained over my past 10 years as groomer with you. I also will give my opinions on things products and services and would like to hear what you have to think also but please know we can agree to disagree and the more knowledge opinions get out there the more the viewers will be able to make decisions for themselves. I am a big supporter of local community so you will see links to multiple local places I don't endorse them just support and let you know about my experiences with them . I hope this will be a good thing for everyone involved. show more

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