Good Morning Everyone! I hope you all have a wonderful Monday.
I wanted to reach out to get some advice from you guys regarding buying a house here in Rockland.
My fiance and I are interested in buying in Pearl River or the surrounding area (he works in the city and doesn't want to go too far off) however we are unsure how it all works! I know there's a law in place that you can put under 20% however, there's some extra insurance that must be purchased I believe? Can anybody give me an idea of what they went through buying a house? If they put a low down payment? Maybe a recommendation of a realtor that I can speak too and can explain this process to me?
Last but not least!!! I KNOW the property taxes are insane in this area - however we have to choose between Bergen/Rockland and I much prefer it here. For some reason people are just nicer/more welcoming, but I am of course open to any/all suggestions.
Thank you in advance!