Looking for Recommendations for a Restaurant to host a party of 40 near the Fairplex! Hey all, I'm organizing a dinner for a party of about 40 people (or more?) to have a team dinner and celebration. All of us will be coming in from out of town so I was hoping to keep this near the Fairplex as this will be central for all. I'm not looking for 5 star, but good food and a location that can accommodate us all are requirements. Please let me know if you have any suggestions, I've been having to call each place individually and I'm running out of googling ideas!
Anaphax replied:
http://www.pomonavalleyminingco.com/ https://www.yelp.com/biz/pomona-valley-mining-co-pomona Look into the Pomona Valley Mining Company. They have American comfort food. Can easily sit 40 or more if you advance it with them. I've been there several times and it's great.