I am looking for a chiropractor and massage therapist in Dallas only please. Any recommendations?
Dede P. replied:
The best Chiropractor in Dallas is Dr. Holton.~ 503-623-3903 Does not use the drop table and is the best at diagnosing problems and fixing them. He trained at Western States Chiropractic College in Portland. For massage I love Ann Holland at Willamette Wellness ~ 503-751-1460
Crystal R. replied:
Dr. Holton. He’s been my chiropractor for 20 years and he’s the best. There is also massage therapists that work in his office.
Does anyone have a chiropractor that they just love- preferably one that isn't too expensive (no chiro insurance) and that can generally see walk-in's? I am willing to drive as far as Salem, Mac, or Corvallis- but would prefer Monmouth or Dallas.
Alicia B. replied:
Dr. Holton 5036233903
Joy S. replied:
Dr. Holton
Jessie R. replied:
I see dr. Holton in dallas. Hes my 1 st choice.
Dede P. replied:
Dr. Holton, trained in Western States Chiropractic college methods, which means hands on manipulation, ( no drop table), excellent diagnostition and very gentle. He's so excellent that I am sure he no longer takes walk-ins.