I think I may need an avian vet. Looking for recommendations in Selden area. We went away on vacation for 2 weeks and had my parents care for our pets in our home. They came twice a day. Came home this past Tuesday, and since then, our very attached 2 y/o parakeet has been "mouth breathing" with some slight clicking noises from his beak as he does so, and he's keeping his wings slightly apart from his body and feels warmer than usual to me. His personality is his usual chipper, talkative, affectionate self. But he seems to be dying of thirst and quite hungry. He is very dependent on us and likes to be hand fed and watered, I'm hoping that the 2 week separation just has got him in this odd breathing state and that he isn't ill. Appreciate any insight you might have on his condition as well as vet recs. Thank you in advance.