In your typical healthcare setting the process usually goes as follows: Patient walks in with symptom and then doctor prescribes medicine to relieve symptoms. And this usually works to some degree for a short period of time, however it neglects to address the actual problem as to why the patient is having these symptoms. In our office we realize there is a time and place for medicine however we look to treat the root causes of these symptoms through natural means. Through a combination of Chiropractic, Physical Therapy, Massage, Nutrition and many other therapies we have found success in treating many common ailments such as: Chronic Back/Neck Pain, Knee Pain, Shoulder Pain, Neuropathy, Tendonitis and many more. So if you're looking for a more natural non-invasive solution to your problems before heading the operating room give us a call today. It could be the most important decision you make, so call now and get your life back!