Welcome to MindMovers.US, a knowledge sharing community. As a parent, have you ever wondered if your child is “different”? The good news is you are right. Everyone is different. A mission of MindMovers.US is to demystify and celebrate differences, as the gifts that enrich all of our lives. In 1975, Congress passed Public Law 94-142 (Education of All Handicapped Children Act), now codified as IDEA (Individuals with Disabilities Education Act. ) At MindMovers.Us, an AZ Certified School Psychologist will help you navigate the education system to advocate for your child’s specific needs. Congress protected the rights of all children to a free appropriate public education (FAPE). Together you will understand what potential areas of specially designed instruction your child may be eligible to receive through assessment in IDEA areas of eligibility such as Autism, Gifted, Other Health Impaired, (including ADHD), Specific Learning Disabilities, Dyslexia, Cognitive, and Emotional Disabilities.
So I recently yanked my son from Islands Elementary (won't go in to details), been doing k12.com to finish the year. Does anybody in here have their kids at legacy tradition school? Or recommend a better school than Islands?
Ray J. replied:
Natassia Shaw-Faust, you may wish to chat with my wife, a former school psychologist for Shumway and Legacy schools in our area. She is now in practice as a contract school psychologist and parent advocate at https://www.facebook.com/mindmovers.us/, here in The Islands.