Hello My name is Jorge Camacho but some may find it easier to call me George either one is fine. I want to first off thank you for taking the time to view my page, we are just starting to launch our new name. We still carry out our great customer service, amazing quality, and great workman ship as we have in the past with J&A's Quality Landscape Creations. We are now expanding and hope to be Commercialized in the next couple of years, God willing. As of now we will continue with residential outdoor design and landscape Maintenance. We aim to give you the best experience possible, if anything is not above and beyond your expectations we more than gladly will do what it takes and what is in our power to make it right, even if it means starting over. We strive to always leave customers happy and with no regrets on any of the work performed, because we know that is the best advertisement we can give! We will always perform the job to your specifications unless it somehow weakens or imposes a risk on the structural design we may perform, however we will be able to guide you in similar alternatives to ensure our work last a lifetime! We don't just want to help you out with your front and back yard needs. We also want to help you out with your personal and family needs! We know how important and powerful prayer is, that is why we would greatly appreciate it if you can trust us to pray for you and and your loved ones health, needs, and obstacles. Please do not hesitate to leave us a message in our in box with your name, the person we are praying for, need and situation. "Again, truly I tell you that if two of you on earth agree about anything they ask for, it will be done for them by my Father in heaven"(Mathew 18:19). Thank you have a Blessed Life, In Jesus Name.
Looking for someone who can install sprinkler systems. We need to replace out sprinkler system for our front yard. Our current tubes keep springing leaks and we are tired of constantly patching.