Cheap dentists for no dental plan? Hey!
I've been on the waitlist at the college/university and they say September is potentially the earliest they can get me in, but I think I'm developing a cavity. (No pain, but can see the spot.) I have no benefits with work and I'm low income so I'm wondering if anyone can recommend a dentist for a checkup/cleaning & cavity fix. I definitely don't have a 700-1000$+ to do this. I've only ever had 2 cavities in my life & when I had a benefits plan so I'm not sure if thats even what they cost lol.
Thanks in advance! :)
silenceismyforte replied:
I would suggest checking out [this link]( and its Dental Treatment Referral Chart pdf. Perhaps one of the avenues listed will be helpful. Also, maybe consider going to a dental hygiene clinic instead of a dentist. They're definitely cheaper, and while they're more limited in scope (i.e., couldn't fill it if it were a cavity) they can likely help you identify what the spot you're worried about is, and suggest next steps if needed. I have no personal experience with this clinic so I'm not recommending it specifically, but just for example a place like [Sensational Smiles]( might be able to help?