Reputable daycare suggestions?? My wife and I recently had our first baby boy (yup, he's awesome) and though I was hoping he'd already have a job by now, ha, it looks like we'll need to send him to daycare once my wife's mat leave is over next summer. From what we've heard, we already need to get our act together and book him into something soon. Since we're complete newbs at this, we have no idea what to look for out of a daycare. Can anyone recommend some reputable daycares that we could explore? And also, any tips on what to look for when visiting them would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!!!
amscadding replied:
You could try calling the County for a list of licensed private providers in your area. 519 837 3620 As well, it may be worth your time to apply for subsidy. They have a sliding scale for parent fees and the person on the phone can give you an idea right away whether or not it's worth your time to apply. I've been running a daycare out of my home for the past 9 years. And I currently only work with school age kids.