advice about hiring movers? I haven't found a new place yet, I'm just sort of sketching out logistics/costs of the move in my mind and this is an important piece.
Unfortunately, it's getting to the point where my friends and I are too busy for me to just ask them to help me move for beer. I don't have a ton of stuff, maybe 2 cargo van trips
* Can anyone recommend good movers in Brooklyn?
* How long should I book in advance?
* How much should I expect to pay?
* Would I help the movers or just kick back?
* How much do people usually tip?
* Any other advice for establishing a good rapport with them?
Thank you for any help
megRN replied:
We have used Atlas Movers twice in the city. Both times we rented a uhaul and had 2 guys help with the muscle part. Not a single complaint as they ran up and down my 4 th floor walk up. I think it was $57/hour for 2 guys. I would use them again in a heartbeat. My husband helped the whole time and I just stood guard in the truck outside. You're not obligated to help though.