Husky owners, what vet do you take your dog to? I'm adopting a husky in a couple months, and I need a vet nailed down before we get her.
madisonave325 replied:
we used to see dr. mulder for both our cats and dogs, but when we had a cancer scare in our dog, she referred us to dr. ruppert at [optimum pet health and wellness]( and we've since switched all of our pets over to see him. i've had pets my whole life (i'm 26 now) and i've *never* met such a dedicated, caring vet. he's gone out of his way for all of our pets, always has plenty of time for any questions or concerns you might have, and obviously truly loves animals. he's also got quite the sense of humor. honestly, i can't recommend him or optimum enough to absolutely everyone i know in lincoln