Looking for a chiropractor. I'm looking for a traditional chiropractor. Not a new-age holistic, essential oil peddling, mrt therapist. I used to have one up north. He had a massage therapist on staff and after a short massage, would crack and snap all the little vertebrae into place. One day he went to a conference and all of a sudden its essential oils and Himalayan salt lamps. He starts dotting my back with different healing oils and starts doing this mrt stuff that left me feeling as stove up and out of place as I went in there. On top of that, his prices went up. The "adjustments" took days to "work" and didn't last very long.
I went to "The Joint" and didn't like the high pressure sales techniques they use or the assembly line customer service.
I'm looking for an aligned spine, not an aligned chakra. Help? (I work all over Austin, just keep me from going too far west of mopac if you can)
TightAustinite replied:
JollyGreen39 replied:
Whitehead Chiropractic at Airport and 290. Decades in business. Also an injury rehab specialist. Straight shooter.