Recommend a gas plumber! I'm looking for a plumber to relocate a gas line to the opposite end of my laundry room so I can install a new gas dryer. Anybody got a recommendation?
absolutelyabsolved replied:
Try Brandon at Spot On Plumbing in BA: [(918) 286-8338]( gKSqZD4BQ&q=spot+on+plumbing+brandon&oq=spot+on+plumbing+brandon&gs_l=psy-ab.3..33 i160 l3.10445.14645..15043...0.0..0.144.1018.0 j8......0....1..gws-wiz.......0 i20 i263 j0 j0 i67 j0 i22 i30 j33 i22 i29 i30 j33 i299.Pq0_P55 phKc#)