Painting a Cessna 172 I am about to go down the road of painting a Cessna 172P. I am looking for some information on what questions to ask a painter and what to look for and look out for, and anywhere I can look for modern examples of two color paint schemes. Not sure if it matters, but I am located in Tennessee USA.
I have around 12k budgeted for paint.
The condition of the paint is pretty bad it hasn't been painted in twenty years, and there is bare metal showing on the empennage and top of the wings. I haven't seen any corrosion around the exposed metal area, but that doesn't mean that there isn't any.
douger1957 replied:
[]( So long as there's no corrosion, the paint condition shouldn't make any difference. Any paint shop worth its salt will strip, etch and prime the airplane before it's painted. $12,000 may be a bit low unless your design is simple. HAZMAT expense is a large part of the cost of a paint job. If you want something a bit more complicated, consider a vinyl wrap. Also, fixing broken plastic will drive up the cost.