Looking for an orthopedic surgeon in the Raleigh area that will perform a hip replacement from a previous surgeons( in another state) surgery. She currently has spacers in place due to hardware removal from infection and needs a new hip put back in but lives in Florida and has nobody there so I want her near me. Thanks!
Donna L. replied:
919-781-5600. He works out of the Edwards Mill Road and Garner offices
ISO: Recommendations needed for an excellent doctor for knee replacement surgery...TIA
Christine F. replied:
Dr. Bradley K. Vaughn --- Raleigh Orthopedic --(919) 781-5600 ext. 5626 to schedule an appointment. He did both of my total knee replacement surgeries with excellent results!
Raleigh friends, any recommendations for a good back Dr.? I have tried the chiropractor route, not a huge fan. (Yep, scares me every time)
Jan B. replied:
I have been going to Raleigh Orthopedic. They have a new location@3001 Edwards Mill Rd 919-781-5600. They even have an after hours and weekend Clinic so if you don't have an appointment and need help, you can get right in. It's close to Rex and they have been great for me.