Homeless Female Vet Hello, I am currently homeless and looking for help getting a place to lie my head.
I am calling around to Veteran Services centers in the area including VA centers and seem to be passed around to more numbers that just ring out.
Does anyone have a good resource for me to speak to someone about getting housing even if temporary?
I don't have a car, but will be taking a cab to the nearest VA center in the meantime. Thanks in advance.
Nvrgofullhooah replied:
Please call the homeless va hotline listed by the automod they can direct you and or put in a referral straight the va hospital homeless outreach team near you. This number is open 24/7 Alternatively, you may call your local One stop shop resource just for female vets at your local va. In your case it is Jamie Upchurch Women Veterans Program Manager 919-286-0411 Ext. 175229