Looking for a reliable house cleaner, any recommendation? Thanks in advance.
rlvnorth replied:
We use Kastle Keep (have for twenty years). Very reliable and they do a good job - you provide the vacuum and they provide everything else. (519) 578-2315
We have used Kastle Keep for many years (20) and also recommended them to others who have kept them on for many years. It's a team of 2-3 people and they are highly reliable. They bring their own stuff, except they use my vacuum cleaner. [(519) 578-2315](https://www.google.com/search?q=kastle+keep&rlz=1C5CHFA_enCA737CA737&oq=kastle+keep&aqs=chrome..69 i57 j0 l5.3189 j0 j1&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8#)