Functional Doctor Recommendations Needed in SF Bay Area Hello, I got diagnosed with hypothyroidism back in June 2014 and about 2 years ago diagnosed with Hashimotos. I wasn’t told much about this disease except to take my levy pill every day. What I learned about that was it didn’t help me, Synthroid works a bit better though. I was wondering if anyone had any recommendations for a functional doctor in the peninsula area. I have done tons of research about this, went gluten and lactose free. But I still have thin hair, haven’t been able to lose the 20 pounds I gained and I still get brain fog. I do exercise about 4 times a week and my endocrinologist and regular doctor ignore my pleads on everything. I appreciate your help in advance!
bethklok replied:
I’ve been going to see Amy Nett for the past two years for some chronic health issues. I just got diagnosed with hypothyroidism a month ago. She (and everyone else at the California Center for Functional Medicine) are very thyroid-literate.