Window tinting Any recommendations for a good place to get my windows tinted in or around Lafayette? Preferably Ceramic tinting, legal limit.
Also, about how long should I expect it to take? Is it something I could sit and wait on, or is it more of a drop the car off in the morning / pick up at the end of the day type deal?
tazend314 replied:
C&G on Pinhook hands down. Especially for ceramic. They offer life time warranty, don’t try to fool you with the hybrid ceramic tint while calling it ceramic, and are quick and professional. I dropped off my SUV at 1:00 and it was ready by 2:00. If you have an appointment, it won’t take longer than that. If you want to drop it off for the day and can’t wait, they’ll do that too. If you pay cash, he’ll save you the tax which helps.