Things to Do on Weekday Nights I’m new here and I work weird nights so I can’t go to a lot of the weekend events. I was wondering what there is to do on weekday nights in Columbus or where to find that stuff. Some things I’m looking for is if there’s like bars with like trivia nights or game nights stuff like that.
Thanks for any input.
rellimja7777 replied:
You want to check, my friend. I know this sounds like a link destined to take you to porn or some nefarious malware, but it isn't. It's a listing of all the stuff going on at bars/music venues in Columbus, including karaoke, live music, trivia and such. My nights off are Wednesdays and Thursdays, and is something I check every time. Also watch for #Barstronomy online. That's me, and I take big telescopes and such to bars and sometimes just on the street. It's free, and it's at least fun for me. But it's not on, because I never know until about 24 hours out (sometimes less) whether it'll be clear or not.